Tea special rapid detection box

Tea special rapid detection box
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Imidacloprid (IMidacloprid) is a nitromethylene internal insecticide, which has broad spectrum, high efficiency, low toxicity and low residue. It is not easy for pests to produce resistance, and has multiple effects such as contact, stomach toxicity and internal inhalation
Carbendazlem is a broad-spectrum fungicide, which has a control effect on a variety of crop diseases caused by fungi (such as hemizygotes and polyascomycetes). It can effectively control a variety of crop diseases caused by fungi. It is widely used in our country, but its residues can cause liver disease and chromosome aberrations, and is toxic to mammals. It has broad spectrum, high efficiency, low toxicity and low residue. It is not easy for pests to produce resistance, and has multiple effects such as touch, stomach poison and internal inhalation.
Dipyrimidine is a new broad-spectrum insecticide with acaricidal activity. It is a systemic insecticide for soil and branches. It is widely used for the control of aphids, planthopper, thrips, Lepidoptera and other pests on rice, especially vegetables, fruit trees and tea, with control efficiency of more than 90%.
Application: Suitable for rapid qualitative detection of imidacloprid, carbendazim and dipyrimidine in tea samples.
Detection limit: imidacloprid 0.2mg/kg (ppm)
Carbendazim 5 mg/kg (ppm)
Fidamidine 10 mg/kg (ppm)
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